Imagine yourself driving a car aimlessly 24/7. Going places without any destination. Revisiting every lane, every area repeatedly. How is that helping? You are not reaching anywhere, soring your body sitting on the driver seat, burning fuel, exhausting you mind and body. You have to stop at one point right.

This is what we do with our mind, our thoughts.

Have you ever found yourself being caught in the vicious cycle of thoughts repeating in your mind over and over again??? Well, we all do… At one time or another everyone does struggle with this. 

It’s good when we are doing it for some good idea, topic, solution, complicated plans, solve problems or anything positive. They can help us overcome our problems or help us find a solution if using our reflex thinking leading us to insights and progress. But when we are clouded with these obsessive thoughts keeps us stuck in negative thoughts, images, mistakes, encounters and keep circling around them endlessly, it’s called Ruminating.

Going over and over again about some thought and having a hard time making it stop.

” I’m not good enough”.

” Why did he/she spoke to me so rudely?”

“I can’t do it. I know I’ll fail”

“I am a bad person”

“I am a bad employee; I’m going to get fired”

These are few of the ruminating thoughts we will often trap ourselves in. You might also find this to be a tool of your coping strategy. You might also find some comfort at first, but in the long run, this can become intoxicating, addictive and it will consume you. These ruminations will leave you churned up, disconnected from your life and will keep you stuck in your past.

Perpetually dwelling on your experience, can lead to anxiety, stress depression, impulsive or behaviors. You are chasing an unanswerable question.

  • How can you fix this? How to train your brain to renew your thought pattern?
  • You need to intervene and put an end to your negative thoughts.
  •  Be mindful of your thinking patterns. 
  • Bring yourself to present
  • Shift your mindset from negative thoughts to productive and positive thoughts
  • Practice stillness

You got to stop your thoughts from controlling your life.

Take care of yourself.

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